To establish closer linkage with the farming community by offering quality products at the right time and providing marketing solutions within easy reach, we forayed into Retail business in 2007.

Today, we have successfully established a network of -15 outlets across Haryana. Located at mandal headquarters, each centre covers 30 to 40 villages catering to about 5000 farmer families.

We directly reach to -3 million farmers and act as a ‘One Stop Solution’ for all farmer needs, offering the entire range of Agri input products and services & farm advisory

A network of -15

100+ Crop advisors and marketing team

Working directly with 3 million farmers

Entire range of Agri inputs & Services


We promote balanced nutrition and integrated pest management practices through the retail centres. Besides our own products, we also offer 3rd party products through our centres to improve choices and convenience to the consumers. This includes nutrients, crop protection, seeds, veterinary products


The Retail Centers carry out more than 50,000 soil tests annually to assess the N, P, K and Organic content of the soil. These results are closely integrated to our ‘Gromor Nutrient Manager’ tool, which offers nutrient recommendations based on crop requirement and soil health


At Coromandel, we are spearheading the mechanisation mission by forming alliances with global technological leaders and addressing customisation and accessibility challenges. Our joint venture with Yanmar and Mitsui has enabled us to introduce technologically superior mechanisation solutions. Making the machines available on affordable rentals, our Custom Hiring and Service Centres have been acting as farm machinery bank. We are offering land preparation, sowing, spraying and harvesting services through these centres.

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